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Isn't it time you entered your work into the Visual Identity Awards?

With 20 diverse categories, there's plenty of opportunity to share your branding project with the world.

Now marking our 12th year, we are the world's most comprehensive and independent visual identity competition.


We celebrated the 11th year of the world’s independent branding competition with entries from 22 countries across 6 continents, from the usual mix of agencies, designers and corporates.

Take a look at our winners and their fantastic work.


Are you a branding agency, freelancer in logo design, graphic design student or corporate that is looking to showcase recent branding work?  

If so, then the International Visual Identity Awards design competition is for you. 


Our Visual Identity of the Year 2024 went to Shuka Design.

Find out more about the story behind their work to create a new visual identity for vitamins brand Halsa.

We love shining the light on our winners. Join us as we take a look at the work of one of our winners in a little more detail.

Our current spotlight falls on Pixla Design’s project for Pražírna Drahonice, a coffee roaster in Czechia.


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